Voter List

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Inactive Voter List

If your name appears on the Inactive Voter List below, you voter registration status is inactive because you registration address was not able to be verified during the annual canvass or correspondence sent to the address on file has been returned undeliverable. 

If your residential address or the address where you receive mail has changed, please update your voter registration through, by mail, or in person at the registrar of voters office.

If you have received a Address Confirmation Notice in the mail, please return it to the registrar of voters office promptly even if you are not on the inactive voter list. Voters who do not return the Address Confirmation Notice will be placed on the Inactive Voter List after 30 days.

Voters who do not resolve their inactive status before elections will be required to confirm their address completing the necessary paperwork before voting.

Inactive Voter List

Purchase Voter List

A database of public information of registered voters is only available for purchase using specifically defined selection criteria. To purchase a voter list visit the Secretary of State